One blood & bone
Social identifiers are crucial for, labelling people can define behaviour practised, as evidenced in the life of St.Boniface. What is essential is unconditional love, underlines Neil Vimalkumar in this final reel of his series, Who is my neighbour?
Kill the enemy?
Love your friend, yes. Did you say, Love your enemy? Yes, yes again. It’s the best way to overcome evil with good, says Neil Vimalkumar in his fourth of eight-reel series, Who is my neighbour?
Assyria, my handiwork
Salvation is from the Lord. And it is for all, emphasises Neil Vimalkumar as he shines the spotlight on Jonah of the whale fame, and his anger.
Third in a series of eight reels, titled Who is my neighbour?
Ark of Salvation
Church can well be the modern day equivalent of Noah’s ark. All are more than welcome into it, invites Neil Vimalkumar in this second of eight reels titled Who is my neighbour?
Dust to Dust
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes… At the tomb all our credentials crumble like dried leaves. Neil Vimalkumar urges us to look at people as made in the image of God, no less.
First in a series titled Who is my neighbour?