
We believe Church is the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations.

Partnering with Churches

We believe Church the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations. One of the mandates of the Church is to preach and defend the infallible Word of God with boldness and conviction. The book of Acts is a witness to the growth of the Church through the reasonable defence of Christianity as well as by signs and wonders.

Thus, we at Life Focus Society desire to come alongside the Church

  • For the Church to be a bold witness for Jesus Christ.
  • To help her address the objections to Christianity and address the timeless topic of apologetics.
  • Take up contemporary issues that face the Church.
  • To help raise a generation who are able to ably defend their faith.

Partnering with Churches

We believe Church is the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations. One of the mandates of the Church is to preach and defend the infallible Word of God with boldness and conviction. The book of Acts is a witness to the growth of the Church through the reasonable defence of Christianity as well as by signs and wonders.

Thus, we at Life Focus Society desire to come alongside the Church

  • For the Church to be a bold witness for Jesus Christ.
  • To help her address the objections to Christianity and address the timeless topic of apologetics.
  • Take up contemporary issues that face the Church.
  • To help raise a generation who are able to ably defend their faith.

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