Does God hear our prayers?

Do you feel like giving up on prayer? Or have you wondered if God even hears us? Join Lynette Johnson as she explores the question, ‘Does God hear our prayers?’

You are not forgotten

Are you feeling forlorn and forgotten? There’s Someone who has engraved your name on His hand and is ready and waiting to carry you forward no matter how big is your setback or struggle. Give that Someone a chance to come to your rescue, says Pastor Andreas Andersson, City Rock Church, Coimbatore

Loving the Unlovely

In a culture where there is hatred and suspicion, Jesus moves social intelligence to a different level by saying – love your enemy. While one might be a target of hate, a Christ follower is called to reciprocate with love.

Margins to the Mainstream

The God of the Bible cares for the poor and the marginalised. The real-life stories depicted in the gospels are powerful testimony to the nature of the God we worship. In them, we find hope and help, no matter who we are!

Friend of Sinners

While one looks out for the best in any bargain, contrary to other worldviews that look for the initiated and the committed, Jesus reaches out to sinners. The Bible says, God loved us while we were still sinners. In fact Jesus did not love us from a distance but reached out to us.

Who Do You Say That I Am?

In 2000 years, the question of Jesus’ identity has not escaped the attention of mainstream media. The question: Who do you say that I am? continues to be defining matter for individuals and cultures. And how did Jesus reveal Himself to His immediate audience?

Facing Rejection in Life

Ironically, some of the premier institutions of learning report cases of suicides. With a culture that motivates us to win, it appears that we do not know how to handle failure. Yet one of the greatest victories was won on the throes of defeat. Join Neil Vimalkumar in his five-part series ‘Consider Jesus’.

In a crisis, how do I act?

Oh for the wings of a dove, so that I can fly away from all my troubles…It doesn’t really help to be an escapist, instead cast your cares on the One who will sustain you, says Rev Grace Ida Rajan

Balancing Action & Accountability

Getting started is good, but not all. Like the Tanzanian marathon runner John S. Akhwari said at the 1968 Olympics, it’s finishing the race that’s important. And how we do it is even more important. Don’t give up, keep going in the love of God, recommends Sharon Winston, Pastor, City Rock Church, Coimbatore

You hold the Treasure of God

Don’t go by the look of the fragile jar or container. For the power of the light of heavenly glory kept inside it is not derived from the container nor limited by its size, shape or quality. This realisation helps us stay grounded, says Rev Dr. Meyu Changkiri, Shillong.