Hawking humbled!

Stephen Hawking laboured hard for a theory of everything. Much later he admitted that this theory will forever be elusive because we do not have an ‘objective’ view of the universe But, can we then know the Truth, asks Neil Vimalkumar
Weinberg’s view

Professor Steven Weinberg, an avowed atheist, blames religion for evil. But what about the good that a religion like Christianity brings to the table? asks Neil Vimalkumar.
Laplace & his fine hypothesis

Did Laplace rule out the need for a god? Was he leaving out the ‘god hypothesis’ in a mathematical equation or in the whole of existence, wonders Neil Vimalkumar.
Law & the Law-giver?

Have Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow eliminated the need for God? Does their view explain all equations and existence? Can we do without a Grand Designer? If there is a law, where did it come from, queries Neil Vimalkumar.
Science has a pretty good track record of weeding out errors. Thanks to scientists who invent, discover, interpret, and sometimes abandon their views. In this short video series, ‘Gyan in 60 seconds’ we look at 5 quips and quotes of famous scientists and draw lessons from them. For sure, we are looking beyond Science.
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Review

There’s a time for everything. To pause, look back and reflect too, according to Neil Vimalkumar
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Innovation

Is thinking different all there’s to innovation? Go beyond, please
Neil Vimalkumar’s under-a-minute nugget of wisdom
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Hard Work

Neil Vimalkumar gives a wake up call to the lazybones among us!
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Initiative

Don’t rest on status quo, get proactive, suggests Neil Vimalkumar
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Designer

To do what you are designed for, seek guidance from above, recommends Neil Vimalkumar
Gyan in 60 Seconds: Creativity

Neil Vimalkumar gives a new spin to what’s creative. He says: check out any page in the Gospel for proof.
First in the Gyan series