Hawking humbled!

Stephen Hawking laboured hard for a theory of everything. Much later he admitted that this theory will forever be elusive because we do not have an ‘objective’ view of the universe But, can we then know the Truth, asks Neil Vimalkumar

Weinberg’s view

Professor Steven Weinberg, an avowed atheist, blames religion for evil. But what about the good that a religion like Christianity brings to the table? asks Neil Vimalkumar.

Laplace & his fine hypothesis

Did Laplace rule out the need for a god? Was he leaving out the ‘god hypothesis’ in a mathematical equation or in the whole of existence, wonders Neil Vimalkumar.

Law & the Law-giver?

Have Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow eliminated the need for God? Does their view explain all equations and existence? Can we do without a Grand Designer? If there is a law, where did it come from, queries Neil Vimalkumar.

Science has a pretty good track record of weeding out errors. Thanks to scientists who invent, discover, interpret, and sometimes abandon their views. In this short video series, ‘Gyan in 60 seconds’ we look at 5 quips and quotes of famous scientists and draw lessons from them. For sure, we are looking beyond Science.

Gyan in 60 Seconds: Innovation

Is thinking different all there’s to innovation? Go beyond, please

Neil Vimalkumar’s under-a-minute nugget of wisdom

Gyan in 60 Seconds: Creativity

Neil Vimalkumar gives a new spin to what’s creative. He says: check out any page in the Gospel for proof.
First in the Gyan series

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What is the purpose of work? Does morality in the workplace matter? Is work cursed? How can we navigate through the conflicting theories and discern truth from falsehood? Is it truly possible to find meaning in our work?
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Intentional engagement of this sort, we believe, enables the believer to confidently interact with the world that they are in. To meet the ever-changing challenges of our times, our training programmes are flexible and intentionally designed to meet the needs of the Church.
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Addressing diverse themes from life skills such as, Wired to Win, Facing Rejection in Life, The Pursuit of Pleasure, Taking Stress in your Stride, all the way to philosophical and scientific themes such as Artificial Intelligence, Are there Rules to Live by?, The God hypothesis and the like.
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God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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We believe Church the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations. One of the mandates of the Church is to preach and defend the infallible Word of God with boldness and conviction.
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Culture Unraveled​
God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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