Whole Person Care

Give a listen to eminent physician Dr S.P. .Mathew, Director of Shalom Lifecare, Mumbai, as he highlights whole person care, and not just the body. The heart of the matter is to seek the Lord with all your heart.

The Divine Mandate

Rev Thomas Skaria, Vice Principal, PC, Mt.Carmel School, Dwarka, goes on to underscore the privilege we enjoy in being co-partners with the Almighty in His task of reconciling all things to Himself..

Never Give Up

Are you beset with problems all around and hence feeling helpless and frustrated? Do you feel you’ve reached the end of the road? Don’t despair. Pastor Wapangtoshi, Naga Christian Fellowship, Chennai, gives you a fail-safe option, go for it.

Encouragement amid Disappointments

Facing setbacks and abject failures in life is not uncommon. Listen to Daniel Chakravarthy who has a sure-fire formula that will lift your spirit right out of gloom into happiness.

Progressive SIGNS, Prompt WONDERS

Our brains are wired to look for signs, because we logically reason that wonders will inevitably follow the signs, but what if God thinks otherwise!

Here Sharmini Samuel looks into one such breathtaking incident.

The Seed

Sow the seed, however small, given to you. The results will be big, and you’ll reap rich dividends, says Pastor Amit John David.

From Destroyer to Deployer

Saul, the murderer, was an unlikely candidate for being a deployer of God’s glory. It only goes to show that God is not limited by what you can bring to the table. He can choose the most unqualified to be the dispenser of His glory, so just submit to God and He will do the rest, says Rev.Sidney G.R.Peter

Be Strong & Courageous

When we are faced with a hard task or a big responsibility we tend to think we’re alone, we’re not able to handle it. But Pastor Manoah says, God not just commits Himself to helping us, but gives His word and also sends the right people to help us out.


If we need to stay strong, we must have the right attitude, says Pr Mohan Blessing. In this Stay Strong video, he shares how to get the right attitude.

When God’s Glory Leaves, Returns & Remains

No matter what you have done in the past, in the new year ahead look to the Giver of hope. Dr Daniel Thejus says the glory of the Lord rests within each one of us and that it is capable of transforming the environment and the world we live in. Go out with that power into the world, suggests Dr Thejus.