Was Jesus virgin born?
If the beginning of the universe is a singularity, meaning a never-before or-after event, then the birth of Lord Jesus is another. Neil Vimalkumar caps his four-part series by succinctly explaining the supernatural event of Jesus’ birth scientifically, philosophically and theologically.
The Infinite One has spoken
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us – this means in effect God combined the divine element with the human agency in the person of Jesus Christ
Did Jesus die for the sins of humanity?
As God is totally holy, sacrifice is called for if our sins have to be cancelled. Jesus stepped into the world and became the sacrifice so that we enjoy forgiveness of sins, says Neil Vimalkumar in this second of his four-part series titled A biologist & a psychologist on Theology
Scientism versus Theism
The real debate is not between science and religion but between scientism and theism, says Neil Vimalkumar in the first of his four-part series, ‘A Biologist and a Psychologist on Theology’.