I Can!
When you say no to the world and your flesh and inclinations, you’re in effect saying yes to God. Rev. Arun Andrews says, “I can’t on my own, but with you, Lord, I can”. In the new year ahead, let us hitch our wagon to the star!
Was Jesus virgin born?
If the beginning of the universe is a singularity, meaning a never-before or-after event, then the birth of Lord Jesus is another. Neil Vimalkumar caps his four-part series by succinctly explaining the supernatural event of Jesus’ birth scientifically, philosophically and theologically.
Christmas: Unbelievable Implications – Part 2
At Christmas, the Almighty comes to us and says, follow me. He knows where he’s going and we can follow him with certainty even in these uncertain times. In fact, that is the smartest thing we can do, says Nathan Andrews in this concluding part of the series on Christmas.
The Infinite One has spoken
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us – this means in effect God combined the divine element with the human agency in the person of Jesus Christ
Scientism versus Theism
The real debate is not between science and religion but between scientism and theism, says Neil Vimalkumar in the first of his four-part series, ‘A Biologist and a Psychologist on Theology’.
Murdered & the murderer
Judas is a byword for betrayal.If he could be treated with gentleness and respect, then how much more do we need to show grace to the worst of offenders, remarks Neil Vimalkumar in this seventh of his eight-reel series, Who is my neighbour?
The first evangelist
Taking a leaf out of the book of the Samaritan woman, Neil Vimalkumar suggests we get authentic, and also strive to break social barriers to reach out and help people find the Truth
The 6 Women who Impacted Moses
History hinged on what decision Pharaoh’s daughter took at that epic moment on the banks of the Nile. The unnamed Princess who gave Moses his name, chose to make a difference rather than a name for herself. Michael Ramsden succinctly captures the bold and selfless contributions of the six women in Moses’ life in this nine-minute clip.
Is Faith in Conflict with Science and Reason?
Is it true that if you are scientifically minded, you cannot be spiritually inclined? Daniel Thejus thinks that this argument might be a bit misleading. It is possible that Faith and Reason coexist at many levels. Trust without personal verification is common, even in the scientific community.
Imaginary Friend & a Real God!
IF as in Imaginary Friends! of the recent American film. Are the friends real and substantial? or are we intoxicating ourselves into a false belief, Neil Vimalkumar sounds a timely warning in this concluding part of the series, Search for Truth