The Bethlehem Star?

The Star of Bethlehem, often referred to as the Christmas Star has a significant place in the story of Jesus’ birth. In the Gospels, Mathew1Mathew 2:2 & 9 records wise men from the east seeing “His star when it rose” and came to Jerusalem seeking the King of the Jews. He narrates later that the same star went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was.

Various theories attempt to unravel the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem.

According to astrophysicist Hugh Ross, it could have been a “recurring nova”. A nova is a star that suddenly increases in brightness and then within a few months or years grows dim. Ross continues, “An easily visible nova occurs about once every decade,”. “Novae are sufficiently uncommon to catch the attention of observers as alert and well-trained as the magi must have been. However, many novae are also sufficiently unspectacular as to escape the attention of others.”. Most novae explode once, but a few undergo multiple explosions separated by months or years. This, Ross says, could account for how Matthew says the star appeared, disappeared, and then reappeared and disappeared later.2The Case for Christmas: A Journalist investigates the identity of the child in the manger. Lee Strobel

Another theory is that the bright object in the sky was a planetary conjunction. A conjunction occurs when two or more celestial bodies appear to meet in the sky. These events can repeat every night in the same location for days or weeks. So if the wise men had followed the moment of conjunction, it is possible that they would have been led in a specific direction.3What was the Star of Bethlehem? Jonathan O’Callaghan

A comet could be another explanation, especially since this explains the statement that the star rested “over the place”. Historical accounts describe comets as “hanging over” specific cities. Josephus records that in 12 BC a comet (Halley’s) stood for several days over the city of Rome before the death of Marcus Agrippa.4Was there really a Star of Bethlehem? Peter May

Despite the diverse theories, one common thread is the supernatural element about the Star of Bethlehem. In pagan cultures, star constellations held significance as objects of worship because their images were depicted on seals and scrolls throughout the ancient Near East. Amos, the prophet, describes God as the creator of constellations, including Pleiades and Orion5Amos 5:8 , emphasizing God’s authority and sovereignty.

The celestial wonder, whether a nova, a conjunction, or comet, served as a sign directing attention to the Creator through His creation. But what’s significant is that when the wise men saw the star, they “rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” and when they saw Jesus, they “fell down and worshipped Him”.


Lynette Johnson

Lynette Johnson serves as Ministry Director – Communication and Training at Life Focus Society. Prior to her work here, she worked for over a decade with two International Banks. She completed her BA Economics in Stella Maris College and went on to do her Master’s in the same discipline. Lynette is a Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers. She completed an Apologetics Course at the RCCA and then pursued an Academy course on Christian Apologetics with a Bible Elective. Lynette is a Colson Fellow. Lynette has spoken to different age groups of people in churches and in different settings including national beauty pageants. She contributes podcast devotionals for FEBA and Bible Plans for YouVersion. Lynette, based in Chennai, is married to Johnson Chakravarthy, and they have two children, Lianne and Jaden.

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