“The hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world”
But this hand that rocks the cradle
Rocks the One who rules the world.
Born is the king, born as a king!
She saw his twinkling eyes
She cuddled him close to her
She held tight his helpless hand
As she wrestled to understand
Why she saw the CROSS at the CRADLE?
She stepped back in fear
Came close to many a tear
Laughed along as he grew
Sighed when all she knew
As she saw the CROSS at the CRADLE.
She said her daily prayers
Looking into the eyes of her son
She called him Yeshua
But deep within knew He was Yahweh !
For she saw the CROSS at the CRADLE.
She heard him breathe, sigh & cry
She wiped every tear away as if to say
Save every tear for you will need it soon
Save every breath for you will lose it soon
Since she saw the CROSS at the CRADLE.
Will any mother give away her first-born
Even if she had a dozen more to adorn
She boldly let the sword pierce through her heart
For she knew she needed a SAVIOUR more than a son!
So through her tears she smiled
When she saw the CROSS at the CRADLE.
Sharmini Samuel
Manager Development & Relationships, LFS