Who Surrounds You?

To stay blessed always, Sharmini Samuel suggests a few don’ts and a do, taking her cue from Psalm 1.

Dual Citizenship

With Republic Day just behind us, it’s a good time to reflect on our dual citizenship of this earth and heaven by serving Christ our King even as we respect the earthly authorities and lift up the vulnerable and broken in our family, neighbourhood and the nation, says Tehmina Arora.

A Prayer For You

When hardship and failure result in faith-draining moments, what helps is to take stock of God’s boundless love for you. The best thing to do is bend our knees in total dependence on the Almighty. Pastor Blessing Sarangapany asserts the love God has for us is beyond all imagination.

Anxiety Doctor

A brand new year, but the same old challenges?

Have you ever felt like Charlie Brown in Peanuts who observed, “My anxieties have anxieties”?

Anxiety is a real challenge and many of us can honestly say that it can be a difficult problem to deal with. Join Pastor Arun Andrews as he shares practical, Biblical tips on finding peace and victory. Would you like to check in for a visit with your “Anxiety-Doctor”?

I Can!

When you say no to the world and your flesh and inclinations, you’re in effect saying yes to God. Rev. Arun Andrews says, “I can’t on my own, but with you, Lord, I can”. In the new year ahead, let us hitch our wagon to the star!

Christmas: Unbelievable Implications – Part 2

At Christmas, the Almighty comes to us and says, follow me. He knows where he’s going and we can follow him with certainty even in these uncertain times. In fact, that is the smartest thing we can do, says Nathan Andrews in this concluding part of the series on Christmas.

Christmas: Unbelievable Implications

Deity dwelt in humanity! Our jaw will hit the floor if we fully comprehended the depth of the love of God. For God so loved us, at Christmas he became one of us, choosing to even change his form, says Nathan Andrews in this third of the four-part series on Christmas.

Christmas, an Unbelievable Assertion

Maker of the sun, made under the sun? Sounds incredible, right? Christmas is indeed the enfleshment of the Creator, says Nathan Andrews in this second of his four-part series on Christmas.

Christmas: Unbelievably Contextual

John finds common ground and speaks into the context and culture of the day when he refers to Jesus as Logos or the Word and not as God’s son, Son of Man or even Messiah, in the famous opening lines of the Gospel of John.

Nathan Andrews unveils the absolute wonder of the Christmas story of how God himself became man. First of a four-part series.

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What is the purpose of work? Does morality in the workplace matter? Is work cursed? How can we navigate through the conflicting theories and discern truth from falsehood? Is it truly possible to find meaning in our work?
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Intentional engagement of this sort, we believe, enables the believer to confidently interact with the world that they are in. To meet the ever-changing challenges of our times, our training programmes are flexible and intentionally designed to meet the needs of the Church.
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Addressing diverse themes from life skills such as, Wired to Win, Facing Rejection in Life, The Pursuit of Pleasure, Taking Stress in your Stride, all the way to philosophical and scientific themes such as Artificial Intelligence, Are there Rules to Live by?, The God hypothesis and the like.
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God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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We believe Church the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations. One of the mandates of the Church is to preach and defend the infallible Word of God with boldness and conviction.
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Culture Unraveled​
God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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