How to progress in life amid hopelessness?

Swarup Singh strongly recommends we intentionally look back and recount all the amazing things God has done for us in the past. This helps us to be grateful and to cope with the hard present, he says in this episode of Stay Strong.

Choose Wise Counsel

Don’t go solo in your life journey. It goes a long way when you have good people to advise you and guide you right, says Pastor Priji Varghese, quoting from the life of King Rehoboam, who listened to his peer group instead of the elders who gave him wise counsel.

While at the Crossroads

Neither materialistic ideas, nor philosophical arguments, not even spiritual concepts can hold water when confronted with the truth from the Bible, asserts Naveen Richard @naveenrichardcomedy in this episode of Stay Strong

Walking on Razor’s Edge

Shun extremes. Seek balance, even in love, suggests Seline Augustine in this article on Walking on Razor’s Edge

Discipleship Matters

Pontius Pilate would have dropped dead if Christ had gone to confront him post-resurrection! Instead, Jesus chose to meet his disciples and encourage them. It doesn’t help to go and tick off people who’ve hurt us, says Pastor Sam Rufus, Temple of Light Christian Community Church

Forgiveness is Contagious

Here is that long awaited moment when your enemy is in front of you and is at your mercy! Will you settle scores or choose to forgive him? Sharmini Samuel is here to offer a few valuable tips to help you decide, in this episode of the Stay Strong series.

Listening is Therapeutic

Stop! and listen
Listen well and till the end
Many an answer to the questions we wrestle with is in the listening, says Sharmini Samuel in this episode of Stay Strong series

Strong Foundation: Does it Matter?

Read God’s word. More importantly, put it into practice. Then, even if buffeted by torrential wind and waves, you will stand firm like a house built on the rock, says Thomas Skaria.

Rest With The Shepherd

Experiencing emotional exhaustion or mental fatigue? Come to the Gentle Shepherd, Jesus, who will give you rest and solace, says Dr Anand Abraham, Pastor, DBF Noida

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What is the purpose of work? Does morality in the workplace matter? Is work cursed? How can we navigate through the conflicting theories and discern truth from falsehood? Is it truly possible to find meaning in our work?
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Intentional engagement of this sort, we believe, enables the believer to confidently interact with the world that they are in. To meet the ever-changing challenges of our times, our training programmes are flexible and intentionally designed to meet the needs of the Church.
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Addressing diverse themes from life skills such as, Wired to Win, Facing Rejection in Life, The Pursuit of Pleasure, Taking Stress in your Stride, all the way to philosophical and scientific themes such as Artificial Intelligence, Are there Rules to Live by?, The God hypothesis and the like.
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God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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We believe Church the Centrepiece of God’s plan instituted by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out His work among the people of all generations. One of the mandates of the Church is to preach and defend the infallible Word of God with boldness and conviction.
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Culture Unraveled​
God and the Eastern Mind (GEM) is an initiative of Life Focus Society to explore the impact of eastern philosophies on culture and religion. The GEM project hopes to engage the Church with these complex and nuanced ideas, and equip it to make sense of its multi-faceted implications on us today.
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